Slot waveguides for silicon photonics

Rail-like waveguides simplify miniaturizing photonic… Optimizing the layout of slot waveguides can eliminate differences in transverse electronic (TE) and magnetic (TM) light refraction, creatingHigh-speed optical circuits and sensors generally require strict control over light polarization to minimize loss and cross-talk in photonic devices such as waveguides.

GVD control of low loss slot photonic crystal waveguides ... ECIO2016 | 18 TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTEGRATED OPTICS GVD control of low loss slot photonic crystal waveguides for hybrid silicon photonics Samuel Serna1,2,*, Weiwei Zhang 1, Xavier Le Roux , Laurent Vivien 1, and Eric Cassan 1 1Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, University Paris-Sud, CNRS UMR 8622, Université Paris Saclay, Bat. 220, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France Slot Waveguide & Cross-Slot Waveguide Model - simulation ... FIMMWAVE can be used to model any slot waveguide geometry built from any materials, including silicon, polymer and hybrid slot waveguides. The silicon cross-slot waveguide presented here is taken from an article from Helsinki University of Technology , featuring FIMMWAVE simulations. The paper also presents results for waveguide geometries with ...

of 1.2+0.1 ns. Although bare silicon strip waveguides can exhibit strong nonlinearities14,17 (g.100,000 W21 km21), free-carrier dynamics on this timescale lead to severe pattern effects in high-speed signal processing. Finally, to prove the viability of SOH slot waveguides for all-optical processing of broadband telecommunication signals by

Efficient and Broadband Polarization Rotator Using Horizontal… The polarization rotator is a critical component in silicon photonics to mitigate against undesirable polarization sensitivity. This paper describes an efficient polarization rotator with low insertion loss. The rotator exhibited high extinction ratio (>14 dB) for transverse-magnetic (TM)-transverse electric... Integrated Photonics Laboratory Silicon photonics has become a viable technology platform for realizing compact, power-efficient, CMOS-compatible photonic integrated circuits.Therefore, to increase the light-matter interaction, we embed a layer of graphene in a silicon slot-waveguide structure.

Research We cover several research themes related to modern electromagnetics. We are keen to understand and discover fundamental limits of electromagnetic structures such as electrically small radiators, ultra thin absorbers, dynamic control of antenna beams and tunable/smart materials.

Ultra-high on-chip optical gain in erbium-based hybrid slot waveguides Efficient and reliable on-chip optical amplifiers and light sources would enable versatile integration of various active functionalities on the silicon platform. Amit Khanna - Google Scholar Citations Control of optical mode properties in cross-slot waveguides. A Khanna, A Säynätjoki, A Tervonen, S Honkanen. Applied optics 48 (34), 6547-6552, 2009. Silicon photonic waveguide Bragg gratings - UBC Library Open ... Jan 2, 2014 ... In just over ten years, silicon photonics has become a key technology for .... Sili- con photonic slot waveguide Bragg gratings and resonators,? Electro-Optic Polymer Infiltrated Silicon Photonic Crystal Slot ...

Enhanced Light Emission in Active Silicon-on-Insulator …

Waveguides are spatially inhomogeneous transparent structures for guiding light. They can be used for obtaining strong light concentration overN. Takato et al., “Silica-based single-mode waveguides on silicon and their application to guided-wave optical interferometers”, J. Lightwave Technol. Frontiers | Low-Loss Slot Waveguides with Silicon (111)… Keywords: silicon photonics, waveguide, anisotropic wet etching, slot waveguide, integrated photonics. Citation: Debnath K, Khokhar AZ, Boden SA, Arimoto H, Oo SZ, Chong HMH, Reed GT and Saito S (2016) Low-Loss Slot Waveguides with Silicon (111) Surfaces Realized Using Anisotropic... Polysilicon Waveguides for Silicon Photonics | Cambridge… Photonic integrated circuits in silicon require waveguiding through a material compatible with silicon VLSI technology. Polysilicon (polySi), with a high index ofInspite of its advantages, the biggest hurdle to this technology is that losses of 350dB/cm have been measured in as-deposited polySi waveguide... Rail-like waveguides simplify miniaturizing photonic

Ultra-high on-chip optical gain in erbium-based hybrid slot ...

A Complete Design Flow for Silicon Photonics | Waveguide Keywords: photonics, simulation, silicon photonics, photonic integrated circuits, electronic design automation (EDA), design flow, process designOne interesting aspect of photonic integrated circuit simulation is that the waveguides themselves must be seen as components of the circuit, rather than... Novel materials and optical waveguide systems for … Finally, a one-dimensional photonic crystal structure based on horizontal slot waveguide with a photonic band gap around 1.55 μm has also been designed and optically characterized. Finally, the last part of this thesis will be devoted to the characterization of Silicon on Insulators Multi-Resonators. Advancements in Silicon Photonics - Optical Signal… Numerous types of silicon waveguides with different structures and light guidThe four basic types of SOI waveguides are rib, channel, slot (vertical and horizontal), and photonic crystal (PhCs) waveguides. The most common waveguides

Biosensing with silicon waveguides . The high refractive index of silicon waveguides provide two benefits for sensing: 1. Rings can be made very small without reducing Q by bending loss, 2. The evanescent electric field at the silicon surface is very high, yielding high sensitivity for surface sensing. GVD control of low loss slot photonic crystal waveguides ... ECIO2016 | 18 TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INTEGRATED OPTICS GVD control of low loss slot photonic crystal waveguides for hybrid silicon photonics Samuel Serna1,2,*, Weiwei Zhang 1, Xavier Le Roux , Laurent Vivien 1, and Eric Cassan 1 1Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, University Paris-Sud, CNRS UMR 8622, Université Paris Saclay, Bat. 220, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France Slot Waveguide & Cross-Slot Waveguide Model - simulation ... FIMMWAVE can be used to model any slot waveguide geometry built from any materials, including silicon, polymer and hybrid slot waveguides. The silicon cross-slot waveguide presented here is taken from an article from Helsinki University of Technology , featuring FIMMWAVE simulations. The paper also presents results for waveguide geometries with ... Metal-Oxide-Silicon Nanophotonics: An Efficient ... slot waveguides exhibiting unexpectedly low propagation losses and a broadband sub-50 nm optical confinement. Keywords: surface plasmon polariton, metallic slot waveguides, co-directional couplers, silicon photonics, plasmonics, integrated optics. I. INTRODUCTION Coupling plasmonic and silicon photonics is the best way to