A 3-bet is when there has been a raise and then another raise after that. 3-betting light is where you make a 3-bet with a less than premium hand before the flop. 3-betting when in position will regularly put loose raisers in a position where it is -EV to call a 3-bet because of their wide opening range. Flop 3-Bet Bluff – Thinking Poker Nov 21, 2012 · The flop came T44 rainbow. Given what I thought of the kid’s pre-flop calling range, I didn’t expect him to give up to one bet, but this looked like a good spot to put some extra pressure on him. I’d seen him 3-bet KK preflop before, and I expected he would raise that or AA here as well rather than risk uncomfortable post-flop spots 3-bet Bluff Range : poker - reddit
Apr 30, 2016 · Our bluff 3-bet range will make straights, flushes, two pairs, trips and even top pairs that win the pot some of the time. So even if the bluff fails, we can still win by making the nuts, showdown value, or even by bluffing on later streets.
The 3-Bet | How To 3-Bet Light. By Greg Walker. 3-betting light is an advanced concept that adds an extra weapon to a game that has likely become repetitive and stagnant, even if that current game strategy is winning you money at the tables. Understanding the Ratio of Value to Bluff with your Ranges ... If you are the one betting into the pot the ratio of bluffs to value hands in your range should be .33 vs .67 to keep your opponent indifferent to calling a pot-size bet. In your example hero made a half pot size bet so villain is getting 3:1. How to 3-Bet as a Bluff and For Value in Holdem | Goku Poker 3-bet is a vital tool that you need to utilise in your game; you can either 3-bet for value or as a semi bluff; 3-betting as a bluff is called light 3-betting; your 3-betting value range should look like this: AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, AKs, AKo, AQs; the weaker your opponent is, the more hands you can add to your value range
All About 3 Betting in Poker The Three Bet. One of the common definitions you will hear as you play poker is “3-bet”, or “three-bet”. A 3-bet as most players use the term means the act of putting in the third bet, technically the second “raise”, the “3-bet” during any given round of action.It’s only in recent years that the term has become popular, indicative of its use
Preflop 3-betting value to bluff ratio - Poker Theory ... Unless your range is incredibly polarized (like AA and 72o), then the terms "value bet" or "bluff" don't even make much sense pre-flop. You can 3-bet a hand like AK and simultaneously get called by worse (like AJs) while folding out better (22), so it's both a value-raise and a bluff. (It's mostly a 3-bet for equity protection imo. A Complete Guide to the Poker 3-Bet | Poker Strategy Tips How and When to Make a Value Bet in Poker; The "Light" Three-Bet. The "light" three-bet is when you reraise a pre-flop raiser with a hand that does not rate as the best at the moment but that still has value for a variety of reasons. A light three-bet is a semi-bluff. Basically your first goal is to win the pot immediately. A Complete Guide to the Poker 3-Bet | Poker Strategy Tips
HiJack calls with the middling 30%-40% of their range. The pot is 19 BBs and the Cutoff has 35% equity (and will realize much more than that) with 76s in position. HiJack 4-bets the remaining ~10% of their range. Cutoff would consider calling this 4-bet in position against a looser player,...
Koncept týdne – Polarizace I | Poker-Arena.cz Polarizace, depolarizace a polarizovaná range jsou názvy, které se v souvislosti s pokerem velmi často používají. Ne každý však přesně chápu, co se... Jak se stát CG profíkem - XV. 3bet, část 2. | Poker-Arena.cz Po minulém trošku teoretickém článku o 3betu se podíváme také na nějaké range a jak 3betovat proti různým typům soupeřů VI. MTT výukové video - 4bet v MTT | Poker-Arena.cz Jak na 3bet a 4bet v online pokerových Multi-table turnajích radí zkušený profesionál Lukáš Horák. "Alkáčovo video" je díky němu pojem, budete-li je... Alkaatch: Bluff Vojty Růžičky na WSOP s A-K | Poker-Arena.cz
Understanding the Ratio of Value to Bluff with your Ranges ...
However, there are obviously a few ways in which we can improve the efficiency of our 3-bet bluffs without trial and error, and one important factor is the way in which we select the hands which will constitute our 3-bet bluffing range in a given spot. 3 bet ranges Bluff:value ratios | Run It Once Hey guys. Lately I've been toying with some 3 betting ranges since my overall 3 bet is little low (around 6.5%). I'm 3 betting decent amount from the blinds but I just can't get my self to 3 bet more IP, I'm just afraid I might end up overbluffing. I know 3 betting is very dependent on people's F3B stat but is there any general 3 betting ratio that you can use vs decent regular and just adapt ... Flop 3-Bet Bluff – Thinking Poker
Playability and Blockers: The Keys to 3-Bet Bluffing ... In many instances, therefore, it makes sense for our 3-betting range to begin at the point where our flatting range ends – if we decide that J-T suited is the bottom of our flatting range, for example, then T-9 suited is probably one of the better hands to 3-bet bluff with. The 3-Bet | How To 3-Bet Light - The Poker Bank The 3-Bet | How To 3-Bet Light. By Greg Walker. 3-betting light is an advanced concept that adds an extra weapon to a game that has likely become repetitive and stagnant, even if that current game strategy is winning you money at the tables. Kleine 4-Bets – Bluffen vor dem Flop - PokerOlymp.com Der Reraise ist tot, lang lebe der Reraise! Die Preflop-4-Bet hat inzwischen auch auf den niedrigeren Hold’em-Limits die 3-Bet als handelsüblicher Bluff abgelöst.